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Join TRRW on June 26, 2021, for Liz Pelletier’s presentation on Growth Hacking a Bestseller!
Liz Pelletier on Growth Hacking a Bestseller
What: Growth Hacking a Bestseller workshop
Who: Liz Pelletier – Founder, CEO, and senior editor of Entangled Publishing
When: Saturday, June 26, 2021, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, with a Q&A session immediately afterward from 6-6:30 PM
Where: Zoom (Link will be sent to you upon registration)
Liz Pelletier, founder CEO, and senior editor with Entangled Publishing, will share her invaluable insights on how to growth-hack a best seller. She’ll take you from the point of initial inception when you’re choosing which book to write, all the way through to your book launch. Learn from one of the top performers in today’s dynamic publishing industry. Liz has a consistent record of success and will share her secrets with you!
An older bio of Liz
Submission information for Entangled
Cost: Free to TRRW members, $30 to non-members
Signup: Signup form is at the bottom of this page
TRRW Membership:
The Three Rivers Romance Writers chapter of RWA is offering this event in order to increase our membership. Because of that, the event is free to our members. If you would like to attend without becoming a full member of Three Rivers Romance Writers, you’ll be charged a fee of $30–the same amount you’d have to pay to become a member of our chapter if you are already a member of the national RWA organization. Both published and non-published romance and women’s fiction authors can join as full members of Three Rivers Romance Writers and of the national RWA organization (www.rwa.org) All romance authors including pre-published authors must join the national organization as well as our local chapter.
TRRW is now offering a new membership category called “Affiliate member.” In order to qualify as an affiliate member, you need to have published a book that is neither a romance nor a women’s fiction within the past five years, and you need to have NOT published a romance or a women’s fiction book within that same timeframe. The purpose of this new membership category is to provide local, published, non-romance authors access to our valuable monthly workshops.
If you are unpublished, you cannot become an affiliate member and instead, you must become a full member. This means you must join the national RWA organization before joining our local chapter.
Affiliate members are not full voting members and cannot hold office, but they can attend the monthly TRRW’s meetings as long as they remain members.
After you register for the event, please use the Paypal button below to pay for the event. Please enter the email address you registered in the PayPal comments section so our event coordinator can match your payment to your registration. Remember, this event is free to TRRW members.
A Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before the event.